I can’t believe it’s been two years since I moved into this apartment. I also can’t believe it’s taken almost two years to furnish and decorate and have it semi-look the way I envisioned (I switch things up almost every month 🙄). Still working on my mini jungle.
Renting definitely has its ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade the experience of having a space to call my own for a second. It’s been a wild two years and I’m excited for what’s to come in this next season 👀.
I’m also reminded, almost everyday, that we’re all just a paycheck away from not affording this basic luxury. I mean, just look at 2020 and the damage it did within weeks. I’m grateful to have this space and I’m on full alert it could all change at any given moment.
What are you grateful for today? Our [ghetto] first world problems are nothing in comparison to the world around around us.